Here are the highlights of Game 6
- On top of the rankings are GK Warriors and cinderella team, Maricas. Both topnotchers with identical 5-0 slate face the cellar dwellers, Elkton Blazers and Team Force. Will the Blazers and Team Force pull the biggest upset of the season and be regarded as the spoilers of the Year?
- Dynamic Excel faces a dangerous Delaware Titans. For the Titans, it is a must win to enter the magic 8. A loss by the Excel team will throw them into a rankings battle for L1 and L2.
- Exit Realty squares off with a resurgent Baltimore Dragons, who won their last 3 divisional games. For the Realtors it is a must win to enter the magic 8.
- WSA battles last year's second placer, TFC Mainline. WSA, who lost some of its key players to TFC, has an axe to grind and will not give TFC an inch in their game. On the other hand, TFC would like to redeem itself from a 3-game loss in the divisional rounds. Who do you think will prevail?
- Red Bulls and Casa Rap will play each other for the second time this season. In their last encounter in Game 3, Casa Rap prevailed over the Bulls. Will the 2007 Champions, Red Bulls, even the score and enter the magic 8?
Will our blog-voters predict the magic 8 for game 6? Vote now on our blog surveys!
My predictions for Game 6:
Titans vs Dynamic Excel - Excel
Red Bulls vs. Casa Rap - Casa Rap
Maricas vs Force - Force
Dragons vs Exit - Exit
top 8
Casa Rap
Every game looks to be exciting with no clear cut favorite. That is all but the might GK game. Blazers look good with the two brothers but only one is eligible to play this saturday. So we might have to chalk this one up to GK. Im looking forward to the Maricas Force game as Maricas might get its first real opponent. Also looking to see how Excel and TFC fair
so what if the Lancionis only played 2 games, gk will let them play for the challenge of it. SO TO THE COACH OF THE BLAZERS, PLEASE LET THEM COME!!!
We would let them play! I still doubt even with the Lancionis they can win since theres not enough supporting cast for the Blazers. No offense to blazers fans but well see on the court.
- Excel
play offs...hmmm.
gkw against blazers is an entertaining match-up...i would waste my saturday to watch this game...but unfortunately i'm in myrtle and will have fun at the bitches oops err beaches oooh that scotch on my head...expect to see both exemplary O and D skills that will be displayed at this game...blazers is an offensive team but with a weak D and this is the reason why this team will not advance...gkw is both O and D team and they will advance to the finals...look at my previous blog for details...gkw W - blazers L
dragons against exit...exit can match-up with dragons...this will go down the wire...exit must not let their DEFENSE down at any given time since Dragons can score 9 points on you in less than one minute! 3 or 4 of their players at any given segment can kill you with series of treys...exit must meet dragons' PG and SG up high...battle those P&R...if you will be able to cutdown their treys then you will have a chance...exit make sure mcinnis,riel,bondao will play otherwise you will be short on offense...good luck...both teams will be in my mind while i'm chugging my vodka..whoooappp.hic.
maricas against force. very interesting. maricas has to win to prove that they don't belong to their division...force must win to prove that their division is tougher than maricas' division...whatever!!!force will win if their line-up is complete...alvarez,wong,chui,talag,etc...maricas will win if they will step-up on their D...Maricas' weakness will be PG position...Force weakness is endurance and stamina...hiccup...oooh that vodka...
coach baby d, what's your take on Red Bulls vs. Casa Rap and TFC vs WSA? just curious...
red bulls against casa. interesting match-up...casa beat them in the regular...if red bull will show up full strength most likely casa will get L this time...casa has to come up full force too...casa has a big frontline: pangan,mallaris,quezon and this will create problems for bulls...this will be close and may go down the wire too...hiccup ooohhh that blow-job -- cocktail gives me a headache...aaahhh
wsa against tfc...hic...tfc has more speed and stamina than wsa...if wsa can match that then the game may go down the wire (so abused in my blogs) wsa must have more offensive power in estoveza,dabu,fernandez,vergara,concepcion,etc...to match up with tfc's nicdao,dazon,santos,sanchez etc...tfc has been so tested during this season that they must have grown more confident and offshooted steely-nerves...playing smart and with poise will determine the winner of this game...(i'm not saying that the loser will end up less smart ...you imbeciles!!!)hiccup...oooh that sex-in-the beach cocktail gave me a heartburn...burp...coach baby d.
hey all of you balling kids...do not take my blogs seriously!...i am blogging under the influence (BUI) so take extra precaution with my blog opinions because your team may end up in a ditch somewhere while i'm busy enjoying myself diving onto the beautiful bitches oops err beaches along the eastcoast...BURP...ooohhh...
huh i forgot about titans against dynamic...2 delaware teams battling for the right to represent us...well titans can upset the dynamics if
1) barnes will not play
2) titans will not commit errors
3) set-up their scorers for easy long or short shots
4) play motion defense...very tiring for old and not so well conditioned players
5) lower their blood alcohol level to < 0.08 at game time...yaaaksy...inuman na!!!!whooooeee..gulp...hic
coach baby d,
its sound like you know a lot about each team. i just want to ask you about your top 2 pick? if you got that right next time i will hire as a head coach for our team with full benefits. our new team will be participating next year in your league..stay cool with your vodka margarita pinacolada...
Goodluck to the Delaware Titans! Make Excel bleeeeeeeed! Hoo-hah!!!!!
I agree with the commenter from Excel. Let the Lancionis play against the GK Warriors.
The Blazers Brain Farts won't win anyway. Not letting them play will just open up the gates for excuses.
and to SKYLOVE.. you can tear apart TFC as much as you can muster. Sorry but I'm not a TFC fan nor a supporter.. hahaha.. BRAIN FARTS!!
People are delusional if they think exit can beat the dragons. Exit has absolutely no guard play, they have one athletic defender in andrion Bondad but other than that they have no one in the back court who can create. Joseph riel is a small forward playing the center and is too undersized. Exits forwards can't play defense and can barely walk up the court. And the bench is a joke. Honestly any team in the americano division would kill excel by 40 PTs or more. Exit players just don't have any skill, can't shoot can't finish, except for Scott Joseph and andrion and against real teams they will not be able to carry exit. No offense but the skill level in both divisions are highly skewed. All the weak teams in one and strong in the other, stupid layout by the committee.
to toughluck AKA BAKLA for SURE,
stop denying that you are part of TFC team, your just making excuses and that doesn't count..and because its doesn't count so you lose..you guys just lucky everytime of the referee's fault..so just my advise to you and your TFC team " PAY THE REFEREE DOUBLE" so can at least make it to top magic 5,thats if there is a magic 5 hahahah!!!or other way is you guys join the magic trick and im sure you will be the champ there,and you "TOUGHLUCK" will be magician w/ no magic .hhaahah cool ha
coach baby d.
patagay naman ng iniinom mo. mukhang ok ang amats mo.
nice analysis on the games...
to excel and tough..i would love to see the lancioni pair play vs gk..honestly they are probably the only two who can match up toe to toe with most of the gk guys both on O and on D..i also wouldnt mind seeing if they can upset gk and crack that undefeated streak of 2 years and 0!! i wonder if though the PSC will blatantly change the rules for blazers. im sure dragons or other teams could of took players for 1 game just to have them for playoffs. lancioni had 5 weeks to just make 2 games but didnt. i guess we will see what happens on saturday.
I'm sooo bored trash talking the blazers now. I want to move on to the next level. How about GK and EXCEL? Yeah...these two arrogant teams.They think this league is all about their match up.Whatever...by the way, my name is toughluck...you should see what i posted against the blazers.i am sooo good!i love the phrases brain fart and you suck because my life is all about it!!!hope to hear from GK and EXCEL....bring it on...i soo love myself.
TFC--- PAAD 2008 runner up
--- FACAA 2009 runner up
--- PAAD 2009 Hopeful ???
yo all just talk about how good this TFC's while they can't even bet us so stop talkin about anybody now coz the dragons will do whatever it takes to kick yo out of the league...ai caramba chow
these are my results for three specific teams this saturday.
GK VS E.B= I really think the brothers are very good basketball players (actually one of the best basketball players in this league). But, think about it blazers, it won't be the whole blazers against GKW, it'll only be the brothers against GKW since....those are the only two players who are defined as Above Average. The rest are average...and below. So I think you all know who will win this match.
Dynamic VS Titans= this is such a hard decision :P.
Dragons VS exit= geez...Dragons against Exit? seriously, I'd rather watch Exit Realty exit the gym then watch this game. FOR PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY THINK EXIT CAN BEAT DRAGONS: you guys are losers.
Dragons have skills,good coaching, and teamwork. Exit has....? yeah, that's right. so of course, Dragons will win.
good luck lang to all teams, and no offence to the teams (exit,titans, EB) i've mentioned above :P.
hellooo!toughluck is back!i am extremely smart and articulate.i love to say brain fart all the time because it makes me highly intelligent than all of you out there.brain fart.ooppss i said it again.
Team Composition:
1.Players must be part of the Filipino-American community anywhere in the
United States prior to the 2009 PAAD Palaro, thereafter players joining the league
are encouraged to be of Filipino heritage.
2.Protests on eligibility issues must be made before a game is played out and fees
may be applied by the 2009 PAAD Sports Committee.
3.Players suffering season-ending injuries may be replaced by a new “injury
replacement” player. Teams are allowed to trade out a player to the affected team.
Playoff eligibility rule of 2 regular season games played for injury replacements
still holds.
Don't cross the the Titans yet. I'm sure the Titans will give their all on their game against Excel. It's a Win or Go Home game.
In any case, there will always be next year.
The Titans Fans are praying that they will win :)
Good luck to the Tatangs... err. Titans.
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