Mark their names, Mario (4) and Santini (20), known among their circles as the Lancioni brothers, became the Blazers' demolition-duo, as the pair barges the Blazers to their first win in OT and humbles TFC's firepower to their knees.
So close was the game between the Blazers and TFC, that the Elton squad needed an overtime period to seal its first win (the first OT game of this round) in 4 outings. In the dying seconds of the regulation play, with TFC comfortably leading by three, Mario Lancioni (4) dashes to their front court and releases a 3-point swoosh to throw the game in overtime.
In the ensuing overtime period, it was another Lancioni-show as the demolition-duo scored all of the Blazers' 7 points, with Mario (4) drilling in 5 (a 3-point shot and a regular basket) and Santini connecting on two crucial free throws. With overtime almost coming to a close, and the Blazers leading by two, TFC's Paul Nicdao (15) missed a 3-point desperation shot to give the Blazers a dramtic win in overtime.
The Blazers' demolition-duo led all scorers with a combined 63-point output. Mario topscored the Blazers' front with 38 points, including 8-for-8 in free throw shooting and 4 triples. Santini, on the other hand, came second with 25 points, 4 three-point shot connections and 75% free throw shooting.
Box Scores:
Blazers: Lancioni, M., 38; Lancioni. S.,25; Dela Cruz, 2; Echvestre, 2; Orbeta, 1; Gurango, 1.
TFC: Nicdao, P.,13; David, 11, Dazon, 10; Fogata, 10, Sanchez, 7; Esquerra, 7; Mendoza, 6; Santos, K., 2; Devera, 1.
blazers got really lucky in this game. wala namang demolition because blazers just gave the ball to any of the lancioni's.
hey toughluck actually you got it in reverse. it was tfc who got lucky because the blazers does not have its full team yet.
anyways, kudos to the blazers for a nail-biting win! it was an exciting game reminiscent of the LA game where they force their opponents to OT and eventually win! Good job team blazers!
jus for your info zoom this is the blazers full team unless the other lancioni brother misses the next game. you have to play 2 reg season games to be eligible for playoffs, so anyone who didnt cant play. how do you think combo of lancioni will fair vs excel or say gk if they meet in playoffs?
toughluck...i got a new name for you "CRY BABY"..
to el caliente "boogers"---?
are those the only words you can muster in your limited jungle lingo? grow up momma's boy!!
Blazers suck, big time!!!!
toughluck...why are you crying again...did your momma didn't give your milk !!! whaaaaa to bad for you,big time hungry old jungle sucker.is this words long enough for you hungry for win cry baby boy!! I hope so....talk to you soon
to el caliente APARADOR:
did you just say this? "did your momma didn't give your milk !!!"
and that's why the blazers suck big time!!!
Not only are you brain dead, you're also a brain fart!!!
did you just say this? not only are you brain dead!!! read it slowly "KUPAL" you are the one that is brainless/lockhead dirty S guy.good luck to your team if you have one...Gooooo ELKTON (Lancioni's)
To toughduck:
What happened to your TFC team?
to el caliente a.k.a. brain fart...
and to the brain dead person who said this:
"did your momma didn't give your milk !!!"
if you can't figure out what's wrong with that sentence, then it be better you shut your mouth hole because an empty brain will make your mouth stink a mile away.
riddle me this, caliente..
UNO.. DOS .. TRES .. CUATRO.. I KNOW YOU'RE DUMBO.. OH YES YOU'RE DUMB -- BO!!!! song title: caliente BOBO!!
hahaha lol!!! Blazers suck!!!! BIG TIME!!!!
to toughluck aka "kupals"luck,
i know my sentense is wrong ok, are you happy now KUPAL...are you perfect KUPAL...good for you maybe your so genius and smart assh*** but whatever it is you still the worst Sh** and st***d cry baby in you momma's life.to much complain for you boy..do you need help coz you team can't win? are you frustrated? i can talk to lancioni brothers to play with you guys...whaaa wawa naman kayo esp. you .The end of story KUPALSKI
you better shut your trap toughluck. stop flamming everybody and get out of the blog you troll.
anyway, Elkton blazers win depended on the amazing Lancioni Brothers. Mario is such a great basketball player and his brother is too.
good luck this week cause The dragons have a blaze of their own. Also good luck to TFC.
this was the most heartwrenching game to watch. i feel sooo bad for the lancioni brothers for doing almost all the work just to win 2 pts. against tfc. did you see those two poor souls soaked with painful sweats? one of your players is even sooo dumb to play basketball.he should not even be in the first five or better yet, have him not play at all.but i must say these two brothers are phenomenol!
blazers have few decent players aside from the lancionis. they have their tall players who shared rebounds and defense.as a matter of fact one of their short players lalacon played a lot of hard rebounds as well.although, one of them short ones caused a major disaster.he shouldn't even be playing.just an advice to the team captain.
to el caliente...stop using the lancionis.step up and show us your game that's if you have one.i guess not only are you brain dead but you also stink in basketball.did you even make a point? my respect to the two greatest players in the league (lancioni). as for you el caliente,go to the bench where you belong or better yet...grab some towels and water for the lancionis.
to caliente booger...hahaha!! that's what you get for empty words..brain fart!!!!
and to frankly speaking, sorry i disagree with you about your "greatest players in this league"...they may be skilled players, but they are not the greatest..
i give better credit to teams who play a balanced team game rather than a two-man show...
BLAZERS REALLY SUCK!!!!!!! big time!!!!!!
I feel sorry for your team. You can not even stop 2 players.... your team is suck.
Here we go again! Another BLAZER BRAIN FART who just said...
"your team is suck."
Oh no!!! all of them have one teeny-weeny brain...geez!!!
NO toughbuck, MY TEAM is not SUCK!!
You and your BLAZERS SUCK!!!
big time!!!!
what a crybaby you are toughluck or should i say...... SOFTEY!!!youre just mad that your squad lost the last 3 games. give blazers some credit. blazers as a team might not be up to par than powerhouse excel and gkw but in no way are the lancionis bad. best duo in the league bar none.
just grow up, youre so pissed just because people dont agree with your dumb comments. later loser!
To ToughDUCK:
Oh no.... 1-3 what happened? Deeeng. PAAD SPC should put your team in Pilipino division. I bet Maricas will bit your team also. bwahahahaha.
I think your team is not used to this. Last year one of your player is so cocky to say that your team is the best. Same thing this year but you can not back it up.
bwahahaha. you should shup up because you are just making your team look like some .......
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