Raymond Mendoza scored a solitary point for TFC in their revenge match against Dynamic Excel. But this single shot made from the foul-throw line was enough to transform Mendoza from zero to HERO. His single-point production came at the most important time of the ballgame - with 2 seconds left, Mendoza fouled and both teams tied at 41. Everyone on the court had their focus on Mendoza as he made 1 out of 2 pressure-packed shots that sent the TFC bench and fans into wild jubilation.
Prior to Mendoza’s free throw, Justin Mercado of Excel tied the game with, yet again, two free throws with 15 seconds remaining. In the ensuing play, Dennis Balagtas, fouled a jump shooting Mendoza with 2 ticks remaining, that paved the way for Mendoza’s game-winning shot.
Box Scores:
TFC: Santos A., 10; Nicdao, 9; Dazon, 8; Sanchez, 7; Liga, 2; Esquerra, 1; mendoza, 1;
Excel: Mercado, 10; Balagtas, 8; Miranda, 8; Valera, 5; Pr'Out, 4; Mann, 3; Sanchez, 2; Bandoy, 1;
to Anonymous..
WRONG!!!! from my sources that girl who watches the games all the time is his ex who actually watches her brother who is playing with their team.
Get your sources right! "Lucky" Destreza is available and probably looking!!
Chat with me baby! Im free as well.
this is not a won game for TFC. The headline should read that the referee made it possible for TFC to win. They should have just let go of the situation and let the game be won on the hardcourt via overtime. In my opinion, without the benefit of a replay, the last 2seconds call is questionable.
HOT4YOU, looks like you have to check your sources. A man can have an ex and a girlfriend under one roof. ..seems like you're not watching close enough "Lucky" fan!
to gimme a break...so what's the difference between this call and the last second call that iced the game for the elkton blazers against tfc the prior week? i agree with you, i hate to see games decided in that matter, but its a part of the game that's out of our control. just let my man, ray mendoza, bask in the lime light for the week. good luck to everyone in the playoffs.
hei Fogata:
Fogat-ta-tell-ya that i'm not against your buddy Ray Mendoza for making that foul shot. He can bask in the limelight all he wants. I salute him!
must say, the refs call is questionable that gave you the win on a silver platter. that's all.
Im with ExcelPhi and although I might not agree with the ref calls I agree with tfc to let it be. It is a part of the game we cant control. In a bball players defense, if I was in their position, I would say then that the losing team who got the "bad call" should not have let a game be that close to eliminate such games and vice versa.
It was a good game, all the calls were good till the end but in the end of the day, they got the W. We hope to see you guys again in the playoffs and goodluck to your squad Fogata!
to Anonymous:
WHATEVER!!! If thats the case with Lucky then id go with #0 instead. Is he available or does he have an ex and a gf under one roof as well???? Whats his name too pls! Hes a cutie patootie like lucky
- Hot4Another
hahaha I can't help but laugh at HOT4YOU'Z commentz... My boi gotta girl and she'z always there! She alwayz on the bench with the other EXCEL fanz... And naw, I aint talking about his ex.. She'z done wif.. Yo jay you gotz lotz of fanz out there! See you on saturday man... Oh yeah HOT4ANOTHER, thatz my boi Miranda. You gotta be HOT4ANOTHERAGAIN coz he gotz a girl too yo.... hahaha
i have to agree with hot4another that #0 of excel is cute...and yes i'm aware that he's also taken.just for the sake of this blog...again...miranda is real cute!And as for coach lucky, he's pretty cute but i think he's brother is a lot cuter.just my honest opinion...and i know he's very much married.that's all fo the cute patrol!I Love you ian clemente........
Way to seal the game Ray.
2HOT2HANDLE, u named all the cuties! ARGH! Y do dey all hav to be taken? Any single guyz???
Question tho, why does lucky have a K.destreza? I saw it in his picz. I thot his name was Jay or Jp? Typo?
ill still take Lucky over his brother. Hes bro is bulky, cute and not bad just not my type.
So Miranda is his name and he is taken as well. Darn darn darn. Hmmmmm. Im going hunting this weekend then hihi.
Yeah how come there is a "K" on JP Destreza's jersey? is there another Destreza we dont know of or is it a typo?
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