There was no love lost between FACAA champions, Dynamic Excel and defending titlist, GK Warriors as their heated blog exchanges flowed over to the hard court come game time. Playing coach, Mike Sanchez, of the Dynamic Excel Team was given the boot by game officials with 2 technical fouls, as he relentlessly argued with the referees on crucial calls. It was the first double technical foul called this season, which resulted to Coach Mike being thrown out of the ball game and the playing area.
Despite the hardcourt drama, the Warriors remained focused on clobbering Dynamic Excel, as they cruised to their 4th victory in as many games. Throughout the game, the GK Warriors led by as high as 20 points under the firepower of Yogi "The Stallion" Veranga, who produced a game-high, 23 points.
In the second half of play, spitfire Joe Miranda led an 8-2 scoring rampage that almost ignited a semblance of a rally for the Physical Therapists. But the spurt turned out to be short-lived as the Warriors covered the paint well with their Twin Tower defense to douse Excel's hope for a comeback.
GK's win solidifies their lead in overall and division rankings, with a 4-0 card. They are currently tied with Pilipino-division leader, Maricas. Excel's loss slides them to 3rd place over-all and second place in the Americano Division.
Box Scores:
GK Warriors: Veranga, 23; De Gracia, 10; De Guzman, 7; Clemente (22), 6; Clemente (13), 4; Yanogacio, 2; Llave' 2; Clemente (23), 2; Clemente (41), 1.
Dynamic Excel: Miranda, 11; Pr'Out, 9; Mercado, 9; Imperial, 7; Bandoy, 5; Mann, 3.
Galing talaga ng webmaster/editor. parang napanood mo na rin ang mga game with his writeup.
Keep up the good job...
coach mike, told you so. you just don't want to listen. guess will see you again and next time, trust the refs unless you want to be thrown out again..hahaha!!
Congrats to GK Warriors!
I am addressing this to the PSC who up to this point has ignored my questions.
I just dug into the palaro2009 website by going to the League Rules and then the 2009 Palaro Forms tab. Here's what I discovered:
1. After Day 5, all teams will be ranked based on first, their overall win-loss record, second, head-to-head record and third using the quotient system for identical records as tie-breakers per the Rules and Regulations. Quotient system includes all games played.
2. Day 6 winners and the top-ranked losers (L1 and L2) are playoff teams where the eventual champion will emerege. Rankings are based on first, their overall win-loss record, second, head-to-head record and third, using the quotient system for identical records as tie-breakers per the Rules and Regulations. Quotient system includes all games played.
3. Rankings and pairings for the semi-finals will be based on first, their overall win-loss record, second, head-to-head record and third using quotient system for identical records as tie-breakers per the Rules and Regulations Quotient system includes all games played.
4. Teams playing for the championship are Day 8 winners; Day 8 losers are playing for 3rd place. Day 9 All-Star players will be 2 players selected by the head coach of each of the 8 teams not playing on Day 9. All-Star teams will be coached by the head coaches of the top 2 teams not playing on Day 9.
NOW IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. What they really mean is that in Game 6 this is how the teams will be paired
Rnk 1 vs Rnk 12
Rnk 2 vs Rnk 11
Rnk 3 vs Rnk 10
Rnk 4 vs Rnk 9
Rnk 5 vs Rnk 8
Rnk 6 vs Rnk 7
and here's the catch: The playoff teams will be decided in Game 6 where WINNERS 1 to 6 will make it plus two top LOSERS.
IN SHORT... even if you lose in all 5 games and win Game 6 alone, you're now in the playoffs. And yes kahit 0-5 pa ang score mo. O kaya.. if you default the first five games and show up on the 6th game, may pag-asa ka pa sa play offs. WHAT A BUNCH OF BULL!!!
And when you detail the league rules, it doesn't say that a team is required to play the first 5 games. All it says is this:
3.4. Basketball Games. The first five (5) games will be divisional, followed by consolation and play-off games.
Comment: Doesn't say that a team is required to play the first 5 games to vie for the playoffs
3.6.1. Basketball. After 5 games, teams from both divisions will be ranked from 1 to 12. Winners will advance to round of 8. The top 2 teams from the losers bracket will rejoin the round of 8. Please see Appendix H.
Comment: Again doesn't say that you should play the first 5 games!!!
and here's how the quotient system should be which does not tally against the current rankings:
1. See Exhibits A and B
2. Tie-Breakers using the Quotient system: Q1: Add all points for winning games,
highest cumulative points wins the quotient but if still deadlocked then go to Q2:
from the cumulative winning points, deduct all points from the lost games, highest point total wins the quotient but if still deadlocked then go to Q3: Add all winning margins from won games, highest points win the quotient. If still deadlocked, the Sports Committee shall have the power to break the stalemate by other options including a coin toss or if feasible an extra game will be scheduled.
if you follow this rule and check the current rankings, ibang -iba. specially those in 2-2 and 1-3.
3. Winning teams with more than 20 points will be limited to a winning margin of 20 points only. The winning team in a defaulted game will be awarded a winning margin of 20 points.
So my question again to the PSC.. do you have the right rankings? And if game 6 is the only pivotal game, what is game 1 to game 5 for?
As "thrown-out" mike said.. "GK NAtion! let us celebrate for another winning year.
Congrats GK Warriors!!! Your da best!!
hey Guys!! don't worry about this game, just do your best on the next one. Anyway it seems you're assured of a playoffs slot already with your ranking. just win the next one and you're inside the door!!
Good luck, Excel-PHI!!
Hey fellas lets leave the trash talking alone, this game is finished. The score does not really tell the story of the GK Excel game. At one point Gk was a head 20 to 2. One might argue that El Gigante Will the Thrill Barnes did not play but i do not think that would of mattered. All the respect to Will but he is not explosive enough player on offense or defense to have made the game close. I still think excel will make final 4 but we will see what hapens. Coach Mike your cool, Herb your rad. Will anyone be able to stop the machine know as GK WArriors.
To Coach Mike: I really expected much more from your team. You talked like this game was going to be highly competitive and at the very least a close game. Im not trying to say anything about the players on your team but did you seriously think your team could match up with the GK Warriors? Coach Mike dont do anymore trash talking because you obviously dont know your limits when it comes to which team you trash talk to.
I was really disappointed with this game coach Mike...really disappointed. If your team faces the GK Warriors again, please keep the game close so i wont fall asleep.
coach mike "dirty sanchez" (google it if you don't know what a dirty sanchez is) is such a professional. I've seen NBA coaches get thrown out on purpose in order to light a fire under their teams... too bad Dynamic Excel lacks the heart for this strategy to work... what type of name is Dynamic Excel anyway? Do you guys make super cool spread sheets? Maybe "Dirty Sanchez" can make an awesome chart tracking how many times he can get thrown out games... Did I read this article right? "It was the first double technical foul called this season, which resulted to Coach Mike being thrown out of the ball game and the playing area." So did he just hang out in the parking lot? Are we sure he didn't sneak back in? I mean, with a nickname like "Dirty Sanchez" he coulda snuck back in with a mustache? (LOL... im so funny.)
TO I point and laugh:
It is so unfortunate for the GK TEAM and Nation to have a DISREPECTFUL blogger like yourself; and i do agree that this should not reflect on the GK team....
At this point in time i will step down to your level: I POINT AND LAUGH: obviously from your short vocabulary, you seem uneducated, without morals and frankly sound like a bum....Your reference of the term: Dirty Sanchez(and making people google it), is unacceptable and down right below the belt....
UNFORTUNATELY for webmaster SCRIBBS: he let this kind of blogging through....
but TO: I POINT AND LAUGH: it's all good because your girlfriend, nanay and lola didnt complain when they got it like that!!!!!!!word is you love it like that......lol
To the rest of he GK NATION:
We apologize that we didnt bring a good game as expected and did not live up to the HYPE...HOPEFULLY if we get another chance, will live up to the expectations....
Coach Herb: i appreciate your blog..I would never assume that your team or yourself would disrepect someone's name over basketball...
I do agree that the webmaster should have done their research before releasing the blog....but it is what it is....so hopefully my blog will be published fairly, just like the disrespectful blog from a GK fan was....
Like from my last blogs: it's all clean fun entertainment, that's why we have this forum...trash talk is cool; disrepecting an individual straight out: UNACCEPTABLE...
GK Warriors is a good team with talented players. However, I do not understand why they are the only team aloud to have non-pinoy players? It is hardly fair to the other teams. The trophy and their winnings are tainted by cheating with non-pinoys.
To COACH Mike:
Hey buddy! So nice to hear from you! I am very much flattered that my little blog has gotten your attention. I apologize for my "short vocabulary" as you would call it. I am now embarrassed to be in the presence of a scholar such as yourself. I mean really, who else continually misspells "DISREPECTFUL"? That must be the genius way to spell it. Anyway, I would just like to take this time to agree with you: Trash talking IS cool. It's actually an art. Don't get mad at me because you have yet to master it! C'mon, you have to admit, my Dynamic Excel and spreadsheets comment was pretty clever! As for the "Dirty Sanchez" reference, it's not like I graphically explained what a Dirty Sanchez was....... that would be nasty. My advice: Stop making yourself such an EASY TARGET. For a whole WEEK you HYPED up your team with these CORNY ATTEMPTS at trash talking. What did you expect to happen on these forums after getting handled? LOL... Well, cheer up buddy. Hope to hear from you soon!
GKW have a non-filipino.... who? I think there is only one I knew... its coach Herb he looks like Japanese or Arab (ARABuhok) bwahahaha. Please Coach Herb!!!
To TheBarrelingBigJ:
Pare easy ka lang sa mga PSC. First if you have that questions or concerns you should ask them before the league starts... hindi ngayon. I know that it is very frustrating. Lets put this into consideration that our PSC are all “VOLUNTEERS” (have a 9 to 4 Jobs) wala silang bayad. I think next year because you have the eye and tough of a good participant you need to volunteer to be a PSC.
To answer some of your questions:
Yes. Even your team have 0-5 standing you still have the chance to play in the playoff but the disadvantage on that is you will be playing against the top (best) team (good standing). Now, if you are the best team (standing) and in any chance that you are defeated by the weaker team (last in standing) you can still be in the playoff. Example: GKW vs. Force, Force wins on the 6th week but because GKW did well on the preliminary game (game 1-5) they will be back for the 7th week. I think it is not BULL but FAIR.
0-5 (score) because your team didn’t show up (game 1-5) then because we have the rules that the players should play 2 games to be able to play to the playoff then the players (team) is not qualified to play on the playoff. Minimum game to play (player or team) is 2.
I agree with you about the ranking in the website need clarification.
Dynamic Excel is the name of PHI's team sponsors. Dynamic and Excel PT, with Excel being Mike Sanchez' very own company. So your excel spreadsheet comment was not funny, it was downright stupid since you didnt even look at why the team name was like that.
And no, GK does not have any non pinoy players. What are you talking about???? Non-Pinoy players has been playing in FACAA for the longest time and no one seem to complain about it and it doesnt give those teams any unfair advantage. Team Force has more non-pinoy players than anyone in the league and look at their rank.
RESEARCH!!!!! some of yall comments are so annoying
tell coach Herb that I'm doing a hair transplant (anykind) gusto ba nya long hair, short hair, straight hair or my favorite hair (Un**r Curly)..i think curly ang gusto nya...just call me 0114344******
Really? Non-pinoy players on the GK team? Are you guys just looking for any excuse to explain to yourselves why The GK warriors are beating every single team? Whoever posted that blog should watch other teams in the league and then think to himself which teams are the ones who have non pinoys.
To point and laugh: Your comments have made this forum more interesting. a little immature but still good to read. I hope you keep posting and im not sure if you root for the GK Warriors or not but i think you should join our fanbase. GK Warriors are really fun to watch
Hello mga tanJa! Instead of getting your panties all in a bunch reading these comments, maybe you should first take some time and relax. Take 5 seconds right now. *5.....4.....3.....2.....1.....* Feeling alright? Okay, there's this thing out there, its called HUMOR. Now, I'm sure you know that Excel is a program used for making spreadsheets. As I was telling my good friend Coach Mike, trash talking is an ART. If you cannot see the cleverness in TRASH TALKING his team name with the microsoft program.... then my friend, humor must be a lost cause with you. It's quite sad really. You know, it's a fact that it takes more muscles on your face to frown then it takes to smile. I can feel the anger inside of you as I read your post. I'm talking to you as a concerned friend. I don't want your high blood pressure to get the best of you. Again, don't be mad at the world because you can't comprehend humor. Just smile! =D
to point & laugh;
Oh H*LL NO, are you even serious? Thrash talking is not an art. Those who call it that are non-gifted people who will make up dumb stupid things an art, such as talking thrash, just so they can feel proud of themselves that they actually have one on something to make up for not having any meaningful skill in real life. And dont worry there's a lot of people like you P&L. I know some who will even call taking the garbage out as "an art" so I guess to your kind of simple minded folks I just created a masterpiece since I just threw a garbage like you out of this blog with my comment. Im done stooping low to your level. And no matter what you say now I dont really care, so cry all you want with your pathetic "art" of a comeback. Whatever makes a Pathetic Loser happy. Thats a better acronym for P&L for you. I OWNED YOU ON THIS BLOG, goodluck on the next.
And to RealDeal. I agree, whoever posted that are just looking for an excuse why GK is unbeaten. They dont have any non-flip players. As a fan of other teams besides GK I can guarantee you there are none and they won through smart plays and team execution!!!
lolololololol bwahaha, that was hilarius
point_and_laugh = OWNED by TANJA
And to whoever is saying we have non pinoy players.... GET A LIFE!!! give our team proper credit for what we worked so hard for. PEACE OUT
to the cutie who coached dynamic after coachmike got kicked out of the game.
HI!! you look like lucky manzano, do you know him? puede tayo mag textmate? sana you dont have a girl yet coz im interested. so hot 4 you
mga tanJa:
Please! If you haven't already gone into cardiac arrest, please post your current location - I will call an ambulance for you ASAP! What did I tell you earlier? BREEAATTHHHEEE!.... Wooo-saaaaah.... Woooo-saaaaah.... C'mon buddy, stay with me, what did I tell you about your high blood pressure? Okay, are you ready? You ask me if I'm serious - that's just the thing my main man - You're TOO SERIOUS! All this rage! I hope you have a warranty for the keyboard your typing on - I can only imagine the pounding it took while you wrote your comment. I would just like to thank you for my new nickname "P&L" - It's like CP3 sort of! I would like to discuss a "sentence" from your previous post...
"I know some who will even call taking the garbage out as "an art" so I guess to your kind of simple minded folks I just created a masterpiece since I just threw a garbage like you out of this blog with my comment."
Man, I almost lost my breath navigating through that run-on sentence! This is what anger does to you. I'm sure you are much more articulate in person! If you weren't so angry, you might of been able to get your point across more eloquently. And really, you don't really care what I have to say? Tell me you don't mean that =(. I think your lying. I mean - how could you not care? All that emotion in your last post doesn't come from not caring. I hope you respond. I enjoy our conversations! Please don't have me worrying that you suffered a heart attack or a stroke. Next time you respond you should play some soothing sound effects. I suggest the sound of a waterfall, or wind blowing against a maple tree. Talk to you soon!
that was weak P&L. Cmon man, i expected a better comeback than that. Maybe tanj was right, your art is thrash lol. you tried too hard maaaann.. it looks like your the one who got piss and your just trying to play it cool. Just quit it while your ahead. but then again we all want to hear from tanj again. cmon guys keep it going
HEY GUYS...enough already with coach mike.. give 'em a break. k?
you've said it already and he got the message. so please, get off his back...nuff said.
your friend,
(Thrown-Out Mike)
Hey HOT4You,
That's JP Destreza who's the coach for PHI who coaches EXCEL PHI with Sanchez. He's definitely taken! His girl is always on the sidelines watching the game.. Better luck next time!
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